
You have a great offer but you don't have enough eyes on it

Get Your Next 1000 Leads

Visibility leads to Authority, Authority to Trust, and Trust? That's what turns your audience into buyers.

It comes down to this:

You need to make this business work – and you don't have weeks or months to figure it out.

You've got a great offer - but where are your people?

You worked hard to get your business going, and you’re pretty darn good at what you do.

Your offer is converting - when it's seen - but you feel like your people are playing hide and seek and you're "it".

Frustrating, right? You start questioning everything, thinking...

🤷‍♀️WHY does every thing feel like a game where the rules keep changing?

🤷‍♀️WHY aren't I seeing the results that "THEY" promised I it would?

🤷‍♀️WHY does if feel like I am are wasting time and money when the thing I just bought was supposed to be IT?

🤷‍♀️Should I even be running my own business?

There are SO many people telling you to do it this way or that way that you can’t tell which way is up.

You have downloaded eleventy million freebies, spent thousands on courses, watched hours upon hours of videos, done everything "TEHY" say… and you still haven't built the audience you need to support a growing business.

Your skills and determination - not in question. What’s missing is the lead gen strategy that the right people - your people - to your door.

Real Talk -

You need to make this business work – and you don't have weeks or months to figure it out.

It comes down to this:

You need to make this business work – and you don't have weeks or months to figure it out.

You need a lead-generating strategy now. Not some generic freebie plan you downloaded and not another generic thousand-dollar course.

You need a strategy that fits YOUR VISION for YOUR BUSINESS. One that’s fully aligned with your goals and values.

In order to bring your business dreams to life you need more than one or two pieces to the puzzle, You need the whole picture. You need a strategy that finds your people and turning them into buyers.

What if you actually have everything you need to have a successful business?

What if the missing piece is the strategy, the action plan, and the 1:1 support you need to design a business that actually works for you?

A business that:

✨Has a value ladder of offers, so you know what you’re selling

✨Creates content that speaks to your ideal audience

✨Brings the right kind of clients

But more than that, it lights you up and provides well for your family and team.

You have everything you need to be successful – you just need to know how to put it all together in a way that works for YOU.

💭Imagine having someone helping you see how all the pieces fit together.

💭Imagine having someone helping you setup the business foundation that builds the business of your dreams.

💭Imagine having someone helping you create the plan, so you have clarity on what you’re doing next.

You don’t have to spin your wheels anymore. You don’t have to waste more time, money, and effort on things *ahem, courses* that won’t actually move the needle forward.

You know what you are doing. You know where you want to go.

Let’s get it out of your head and onto paper so you can take action with clarity and confidence.

Those "Grow Your Business Overnight" tactics? They don't know you. Your business isn't a template; it needs a strategy tailored just for it. And that's exactly what we’re going to build – a lead generation strategy that's as unique as your business.

A strategy that:

gets you seen. If people don’t know you exist, they can’t buy from you.

✨positions you as the authority and connects with your audience.

builds trust through consistent messaging and engagement.

You’ve got the tools. You’ve got the talent – you just need to know how to put it all together in a way that works for YOU.

💭Imagine having someone help you see how all the pieces fit together to create an effective lead generation strategy.

💭Imagine having someone help you setup a business foundation that builds the business of your dreams.

💭Imagine having someone help you create a plan with a clear timeline, so you start seeing results.

Ready to be seen, heard, and deeply connected with those who truly resonate with your message?

Sometimes, you wish someone was there to tell you what to do next, what to focus on first, and how to grow your business in ways that still feel like… you! I got you.

I'm Lisa, a growth strategist and lead gen funnel builder. I’m all about helping you:

💥Know Your People

💥Find Your People

💥Connect With Your People

I’m a certified Master Marketer, and I’ve got GoHighLevel (and its white labels like FG Funnels and Clixlo) down to a science.

But let’s keep it real—I’ve been where you are. I’ve felt the frustration of putting in the work and not seeing the results.

That’s why I want to be part of your business village, to support you as you grow your business and start creating your own success story.

Your story? It's unique. Your business? A reflection of your vision. And your path to success? As individual as you are.


“she anticipates your needs before you even know what to ask”

"If you're looking for someone who can support your business with a perfect blend of skill, efficiency, and genuine enthusiasm, Lisa is the one!”

Ona S.



Find and Connect with your People when you…

Map Your Leads

No more courses - time for action. Put strategy behind the knowledge you already have and position yourself as the go-to authority in your niche.

Together we create a custom, 1:1 strategic action plan that’s all about getting you in front of the people who need to hear what you have to say. We plan a way to get you in front of your ideal audience that you are comfortable with.

We will build a plan that connects you with your people - the people who are waiting for you to show up.

Clarify your plan and get unstuck when you…

Clarify your plan and get unstuck when you…

Map Your Strategy

A custom, 1:1 strategic action plan based on your passions and purpose that aligns YOUR vision to YOUR business.

No more courses. Put strategy behind the knowledge you already have and watch your business grow.

Map Your Strategy

How it works

Step ONe: Gather the Data

You will fill out a questionnaire designed to provide the data needed for me to perform a business system, process, and marketing analysis.

In order to make client-driven decisions, you must know what is working in your business and why.

Step Two: 1:1 Strategy Call

During our Map Your Strategy call, you will clarify your business foundation. We will map your 7 business objectives, customer journey, and your value ladder.

When we are finished, you will know WHO you are talking to, WHAT you should be saying to them, WHERE you are taking them, and WHY you are on this journey.

Step Three: Create the plan

Then I take everything you have shared with me and create a comprehensive Business Growth Plan for the next 90 days.

Get the guidance and support you need to hit your business goal.

Step Four: implement the strategy

Spend the next 90 days confident you know exactly what you need to do to grow your business.

You will know how to show up for all your people, business and family so you can hit goals without sacrificing what matters most.


As a 1:1 client, you also get these amazing bonuses!


I know that sometimes you just have a quick question. You will have Voxer access to me for 30 days after our call so that you will feel confident implementing your new plan. While I reply to Voxer messages once a day, feel free to ask questions as often as you need to.


Spreadsheet of Truth - this will act as a business hub, everything you need in one place.


Keep your messaging and voice consistent so that you're recognizable and connecting with your people.

SteP ONe: Gather the Data

You fill out a detailed questionnaire so I can analyze your business systems, processes, and marketing efforts.

Understanding what works (and what doesn’t) is key to making decisions that are driven by your clients’ needs.

Step Two: 1:1 Strategy Call

Together, we’ll clarify WHO you’re talking to, WHAT you’re offering, WHERE you’re taking them, and WHY you’re on this journey.

This is what will attract your people and build the know - like - trust

Step Three: Create the plan

With the information and insights you provide and take everything you have shared with me and create a personalized lead generation strategy and timeline.

You know exactly what to do and when.

Step Four: implement the strategy

Now it's your turn - Time to show up for your people and turn them into not just buyers but raving fans.


As a 1:1 client, you also get these amazing bonuses!

1 WEEK of VOXER Access

Got questions? You’ll have direct access to me for ONE WEEK to help you implement your plan with confidence. You can choose any week you want during your 90 implementation period. While I reply to Voxer messages once a day, feel free to ask questions as often as you need to.

Mini Brand Voice Guide

Keep your messaging and voice consistent so that you're recognizable and connecting with your people.

Becky Moore

Creativity and Midlife Transformation Coach

“I went through a Strategy Session with Lisa and it was just what I needed to…”

✅ Get Focused

✅ Prioritize my efforts

✅ Get Real About My Financials

✅ Feel Supported

✅ Get a new strategy ironed out and in place for


Becky Moore

Creativity and Midlife Transformation Coach

“I went through a Map Your Strategy Session with Lisa and it was just what I needed to…”

✅ Get Focused

✅ Prioritize my efforts

✅ Get Real About My Financials

✅ Feel Supported

✅ Get a new strategy ironed out and in place for 2022.

Hey Friend

You know those courses you’ve bought?

Their sales pages tell you that they will fix all the problems.

Their marketing wants you to think that more information is the answer.

But what if it’s not? What if more information, training, and video content are NOT the answer?

You’re probably hesitant about investing in another thing. The last thing you want is yet another course that ends up being just another forgotten tab in your browser.

But what if this is actually the thing that’s going to work? What if this isn't about giving you more information but about giving you the right strategy?

No more course collecting, just a strategic focused action plan. It's about creating your success story.

Building a business is like a puzzle and you have put a lot of time and effort fitting together piece after piece. Now imagine finally finding those last few pieces and seeing the full picture come to life. That's what we're talking about here.

Are you ready for that?

With a Map Your Leads Session You Get

  • Business systems, processes, and marketing analysis so that you gain clarity on effective business systems and processes, ensuring every marketing effort counts

  • 1:1 Map Your Leads Call, where we will clarify WHO you are talking to, WHAT you are offering them, WHERE you are taking them, and WHY you are on this journey. (this is what will attract your people and build the know - like - trust)

  • A personalized lead generation plan so that you know exactly what to do and when to attract your people and turn them into buyers

  • Voxer Access for ONE WEEK so that you will feel confident implementing your new plan

  • Mini Brand Voice Guide so that your messaging and voice are consistent and you're recognizable and connecting with your people.

just imagine

Just Imagine

You know who your people are

and have a plan to connect with them

W Clarity on your lead generation strategy. No more guesswork you know what strategies will attract and convert your ideal clients.

W Confidence that you are growing your business with your ideal people.

W Direction on how to get visible and position yourself as an authority

Are you ready to start building the business you have dreamed of - one where you are seen and heard?